Sunday, March 17, 2013

Outfit post

I decided I wanted to post outfits here, it probably won't posted that often though! 

White top, Skirt: Punkyfish
Black top, Boots: Linosug
Socks: H&M
Jacket: Adidas

I've come home to Melhus now, to my dads house :) It's soooo good to be back, and so strange to think I'll probably never move back to Bergen ever again... So weird! My dad came on Friday, we loaded up the car. It was seriously more packed than Tokyo during rush hour, lol. Then we went to Steakers to eat! Mmmmh, tenderloin with mushroom stew and bearnaise sauce. A real good meal before a long drive the day after. We're going to have the family come over for a small gathering before I leave, and on Tuesday the same thing, but with my Trondheim-located friends :) My dad and me made some cakes and other preperations for tomorrow, with a glass of wine ^-^ It will be nice, I'm sure of it! 

Days to departure: 7½


  1. dette er tredje gangen jeg prøver å kommentere her LOL

    fine antrekk :D hva er planen din etter bachelor forresten, det tror jeg ikke du har fortalt? ^^


  2. Haha :'D
    Takk ^^
    Hm, jeg er ikke sikker! Jeg skal i hvert fall flytte tilbake til Trondheim, tror jeg. Har faktisk lyst til å få meg en jobb og slå meg ned en plass :P
